26 February 2009

I Am...

I am.... Stealing this idea from my mom's blog! lol
Outside My Window... Night has hit here in DFW. It's warm, but not too hot. It's just right. (Oh, earlier, two ducks landed in our pool. I've gotten used to this at this time of year and I love them. But, the surprise was looking over to see the HAWK sitting in our backyard! Isn't that insane?)
I am thinking... of how much I want this headache to go away.
I am thankful for... the Lord Jesus dying for my sin, and for my family.
From the kitchen... comes the loud noises of my parents cooking dinner.
I am wearing... our youth group's shirt and some coulottes.
I am creating... a story and several projects.
I am going... to eat dinner and then watch E.R.
I am hoping... that my graduation will go smoothly.
I am hearing... the tv playing in the living room.
Around the house... I see people who love and care for me, and a beautiful boquet of roses my brother bought for me and Mummy.
One of my favorite things... a beautiful rainy day!
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week… Schoolwork, going with people from church to dinner tommorrow night for someone's B-Day, calling my BFF to wish her a happy B-Day, and celebrating my third "Veggie"versary!

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