13 February 2010


Why, you ask, am I screaming? Well, yesterday, a very important phone call came to my house. It was Mr. Jullian Evans, the Dean of Students at The Crown College of the Bible, etc. and so forth. He was calling to tell us that I GOT INTO CROWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is soooooooooooo exciting! I didn't really have any doubts that I would get in, but waiting for an acceptance letter or call is EXTREMELY testing. About a week ago, I talked to a young man named Charlie who works in the Crown admissions office for a while. He called to see if I had any questions about the school and to help me figure out exactly what I would be facing while at college. As I have put on here before, I feel God wants me to be an elementary music teacher. This puts together two of my passions: music and working with children. Charlie and I figured out that I would be a education major with a emphasis on music. At the end of my schooling, I will take a test that will let me become qualified to teach music at any school in the country, public and private. I can't wait for August to get here!!!! Hopefully, my family will be heading up to Powell, TN this April for a week long Bible conference. If we don't go to that, August will feel even FARTHER away than it already does. Usually, about six months doesn't seem that too long, but right now, it feels like a lifetime! I am trying extremely hard to be patient, but it is very difficult! Nothing has ever felt "more right" than the decision to go to Crown. I love that school and the people who are a part of it more than I can say! It's so hard to explain why I love that school as much as I do, but I can't help it!!!! lol

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