26 April 2011

I Have Been Blessed

I've been told that if you can count your good friends on at least one hand, you have been extremly blessed. I am happy to say I have more than that. I have been so blessed with so many godly friends, and I am so thankful for them. Also, God has given me a wonderful family, two wonderful church families, freedom, health, etc. This son has meant so much to me lately, and I wanted to share it with you.
♪♫Lately, I've been looking back
Along this winding road
To the old familiar markers
And the mercies I have known.
I know it may sound simple,
But it's more than a cliche
There's no better way to tell you than to say,
"God's been good in my life!
I've been blessed beyond my wildest dreams
When I go to sleep each night,
And though I've had my share of hard times,
I wouldn't change them if I could,
Cause through it all,
God's been good!"
Times replay and I can see
I've had some bitter tears,
But I've felt His arms around me
While I faced my greatest fears.
I've had more gains than losses,
And I've known more joy than hurt
As His grace rolled down upon me undeserved.
God's been good in my life.
I've been blessed beyond my wildest dreams
When I go to sleep each night,
And though I've had my share of hard times,
I wouldn't change them if I could,
Cause through it all,
God's been good!
God has been my Father, my Saviour, and my Friend;
His love was my begining and His grace will be my end.
I could spend forever trying to tell you everything He is,
But the best way just to tell you is this:
"God's been good in my life.
I've been blessed beyond my wildest dreams
When I go to sleep each night,
And though I've had my share of hard times,
I wouldn't change them if I could,
Cause through it all,
God's been good!"

22 April 2011

Then Came the Morning

♪♫They all walked away,
Nothing to say;
They just lost their dearest friend.
All that He said-
Now He was dead.
So this was the way it would end.
The dreams they had dreamed were not what they seemed,
Now He was dead and gone.
The garden, the jail, the hammer, the nail-
How could a night be so long?
The angel, the star,
The kings from afar,
The wedding, the water, the wine.
And now, it was done; they'd taken her Son
Wasted before His time.
She knew it was true; she watched Him die, too.
She heard them call Him 'just a man'.
Oh, but deep in her heart,
She knew from the start
Somehow, her Son would live again!
Then came the morning;
Night turned into day!
The stone was rolled away.
Hope rose with the dawn.
Then came the morning!
Shadows vanished before the sun.
Death had lost, and life had won,
For morning had come.
Morning has broken
Like the first morning.
The stone was rolled away.
Hope rose with the dawn.
Then came the morning!
Shadows vanished before the sun.
Death had lost, and life had won,
For morning had come!♪♫
Praise the Lord God Yahweh that the morning came after the long dreary night. This week, we look back of the death and burial of the Lord Jesus Christ. He willingly laid Himself down as a sacrifice for our sin. Only His blood can wash away sin and give eternal life. If you are reading this and can't say for sure that you know you would go to heaven if you were to die today, please, PLEASE e-mail me. I would love to pray for you personally and show you how you may know for sure that the Lord lives in your heart and that heaven is your eternal home. He is my best Friend, my Rock, my Strong Place, and my reason for singing. I hope that you know Him, also. Happy Easter, friends.
In His Love,
Caitlyn Mae

Oh What a Saviour!!!

♪♫Once I was straying in sin's dark valley;
No hope within could I see.
But the Lord Jesus, my precious Saviour,
Came to save poor lost souls like me.
Oh, what a Saviour; oh, hallelujiah!
His heart was broken on Calvary.
His hands were nail-scarred;
His side was riven.
He gave His life's blood
For even me.
Death's chilly waters I'll soon be crossing,
But I'll not fear, for His hand will lead me safe o'er.
But then, I'll join that chorus
In that great city,
And I'll sing up there forever and ever more!
Oh what a Saviour; oh, hallelujiah!
His heart was broken on Calvary.
His hands were nail-scarred;
His side was riven.
He gave His life's blood for even me.
Oh, what a Saviour!♪♫

21 April 2011

Rest in Peace, Dory (4/17/2010-4/17/2011)

Here's some photos of my poor little baby!
You'll be missed, darling! lol I'm so happy that I'm safe and sound and that the Lord prevented any harm.

20 April 2011

Independent Baptist Friends International was such a blessing! I am so thankful for all that the Lord showed me through all of the messages. The thing He showed me the most is my need to fully trust Him. I prayed that He would give me an opprotunity to trust Him, and He gave it to me in a very strange way. Sunday afternoon, I drove to go pick up a family from Liberia to bring them to church, and while I pulled out (thankfully before getting them), a man in a Trail Blazer came down a steep hill about 60-65 miles per hour, right at me. I knew that he would hit me, and I heard the Lord tell me to get out of the way. The only option was to swerve to the right and hit a parked red pick-up truck. Therefore, my car, Dory, is no more :( It's really sad right now, but I am so thankful that the Lord spared my life in this event. Please pray for me to find a new car soon and that I will continue to trust in His power and holiness.

07 April 2011

I am so excited to see my parents on Saturday! They are coming to Powell for the second annual In dependant Baptist Friends International meeting. (See baptistfriends.org or templebaptistchurch.com for more information.) I will be going Saturday to pick them up from the airport, and I will be spending the next week with them! The Lord has blessed us so much; I am so privileged to call them parents, my friends, and the dearest people on this planet to me. I pray that everyone has a wonderful day! Oh! I almost forgot! Every day next week, services will be shown via Internet at templebaptistchurch.com and faithforthefamily.com (9 AM E.S.T. and 6:30 E.S.T.) If you can, be sure to watch some of the services; they are sure to be a great blessing!

06 April 2011

Here is Love

For my Office Computer Applications course at Crown, I have been making a PowerPoint presentation about the place that the Lord has burdened me about. As many of you know, I have a huge burden for the people of the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales). For my slides about Wales, I have made sure to make much mention about the great Welsh Revival of 1904-1905. It is amazing to see how the small testimony of a young teenage girl named Florrie Evans sparked a huge revival; the Lord can use anything you do for Him, regardless if it doesn't seem very significant to you. Many hymns were used by the Lord during the Welsh Revival, and one has become known as the "Love Song of the Welsh Revival". It is called "Here is Love", and it has been a huge blessing in my life during the past few years.
♪♫Here is love, vast as the ocean
Lovingkindness as the flood
When the Prince of Life, our Ransom,
Shed for us His precious blood.
Who His love will not remember?
Who can cease to sing His praise?
He can never be forgotten throughout Heaven's eternal days.
On the mount of crucifixion,
Fountains opened deep and wide;
Through the floodgates of God's mercy
Flowed a vast and gracious tide.
Grace and love, like mighty rivers
Poured incessant from Above,
And Heav'n's peace and perfect justice
Kissed a guilty world in love.
In Thy truth, Thou dost direct me
By Thy Spirit through Thy Word;
And Thy grace my need is meeting
As I trust in Thee, my Lord.
Of Thy fullness Thou art pouring
Thy great love and power on me,
Without measure, full and boundless,
Drawing out my heart to Thee.
Let me all Thy love accepting,
Love Thee, ever all my days;
Let me seek Thy kingdom only
And my life be to Thy praise.
Thou alone shalt be my glory;
Nothing in this world I see.
Thou hast cleansed and sanctified me;
Thou Thyself hast set me free.
Grace and love like mighty rivers
Poured incessant from Above,
And Heav'n's peace and perfect justice
Kissed a guilty world in love.♪♫
"The most important thing you'll ever learn in your Christian life is this: 'GOD COULD USE ME!'"-Dr. Clarence Sexton
Are you going to let the Lord use you the way He so deeply desires to, or are you going to live everyday for yourself. I pray that I use everyday of my life for the glory and honour of the Lord God Yahweh!

05 April 2011

The Ninety and Nine

♪♫There were ninety and nine that safely lay
In the shelter of the fold.
But one was out of the hills away,
Far off from the gates of gold.
Away on the mountains wild and bare,
Away from the tender Shepherd's care.
Away from the tender Shepherd's care.
"Lord, Thou hast here Thy ninety and nine;
Are they not enough for Thee?
But the Shepherd made answer: "This of Mine
Has wandered away from Me;
And though the road be rough and steep,
I go to the desert to find My sheep.
I go to the desert to find My sheep.
But none of the ransomed ever knew
How deep were the waters crossed;
Nor how dark was the night the Lord passed through
Ere He found His sheep that was lost.
Out in the desert, He heard its cry,
Sick and helpless and ready to die;
Sick and helpless and ready to die.
"Lord, whence are those blood drops all the way
That mark out the mountain's track?"
"They were shed for one who had gone astray
Ere the Shepherd could bring him back."
"Lord, whence are Thy hands so rent and torn?"
"They are pierced tonight by many a thorn;
They are pierced tonight by many a thorn."
And all through the mountains, thunder riven,
And up from the rocky steep,
There arose a glad cry to the gate of Heaven,
"Rejoice! I have found My sheep!"
And the angels echoed around the throne,
"Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His own!
Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His own!"♪♫
Praise the Lord that He goes to find those who have left the fold. I am so happy to say that the Lord never gives up on us, regardless of how unworthy we are. I love Him so much, and I am pleased that He is pleased with me!

My Personal Testimony

I had the privilege to be raised in a wonderful Christian home, and when I was nine years old, I made a profession of faith. I claimed to love the Lord, and I knew it was right to serve Him, but I did not truly know Him as I said I did. I went through a lot of illness and a few surgeries, and when my family moved to Texas when I was fourteen, I became slightly bitter towards God. I continued going to church, but I couldn't stand it. No one, not even my parents, knew how I didn't enjoy it besides the Lord and myself. I didn't enjoy that my friends didn't have to be "weird" like I had to because my parents were greatly involved with our church. We live in Dallas which is extremely diverse, and since Christianity "wasn't working' for me, I started to think that maybe the religions of my friends would be better for me. I secretly researched Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Baha'ism, hoping to find a bit of truth. (Now I see how lost I truly was!) But, praise the Lord, He never gave up on me!!! When I was sixteen years old, I heard my aunt give her testimony of how she professed faith as a child, rebelled against the Lord, and truly came to salvation as an adult. She regrets not coming to the Lord when she saw that she was going down the wrong road as a teenager. As she gave her testimony, I fell under deep conviction. I told my family how I needed to be saved; they were thrilled that I told them and happily led me to the Lord. He led me to come to The Crown College as a Music Education major, and on October 20, 2010, He called me to serve him on the mission field. I am happy to go wherever He leads me, and I'm so thrilled to call Him 'Father', regardless of my unworthiness!